Don’t trust anyone.

I was pretty sure my house was going to get robbed and my two kids were about to be murdered, as I sat at work.

Snow days call for anxiety. The spiraling kind of anxiety.

Yesterday I was worried one kid would kill the other because chores for 11- and 8-year-olds are never fair. But they survived.

Today, though, I was sure they wouldn’t survive.

“Someone rang the doorbell and there’s no car outside. What do we do?!”  read a text from my daughter.

We panic. That’s what we do.

Ringing the doorbell is the first step of robbing a house? Ring doorbell. Anyone home? Nope. I’ll be back with my van and a big bag to empty the house out. Murdering any innocent bystanders along the way.

Immediately I googled: best video surveillance cameras for homes.

Ring. Blink. Too many damn choices. And it was too late at this point, it would take 2 days, at best, to get these security cameras to my house. The burglar has already planned his attack and i’m quite certain he’ll be back in an hour with that van and big bag.

So I instructed the kids to not answer the door. I don’t trust anyone ringing a doorbell. And quickly set the house alarm, from my phone. Yes, I have one. And it’s monitored by an actual company that will call the police with any signs of break-in. But, clearly, I need to buy another camera. One with live video of my house, every room, inside and outside, sent directly to my phone, so I can watch any moment, at any time.

The drive home from work was a brutal spiral. Burglarized home. Murdered kids.

I open the door to the house and gasp… laundry folded, kitchen floor swept, carpet vacuumed, and no one murdered. I guess a live video on my phone would have ruined this wonderful surprise.

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